Thursday, February 24, 2011

Necessary Reminders

Barking Dogs and Dogs Not on Leashes
Over the past six months there has been an increase in complaints about barking dogs and dogs not on leashes. Many times owner's dogs are barking when they are left home alone either during the day or at night. The barking is usually continual during the owner’s absence. Owners may or may not be aware of the constant barking however it is disturbing to the rest of the neighborhood, many times disrupting sleep or time spent at the canal attempting to relax and enjoy weekends or holidays away. Some dogs are also being allowed to roam the neighborhood without their owners. Please be sure you are being responsible with your pets and considerate of your neighbors. Enjoy your pets but please keep in mind that you would not want to hear other people's dogs barking all the time nor using your yard rather than their own. Thank you all for taking action to ensure the barking is controlled and that your dogs are not running loose.
Guests Removing Clams and Oysters from Community Beach
Please also inform “guests” staying in your residence that removing buckets of clams and oysters from the beach is not allowed. Not only is it illegal but it may also lead to a depleting of the shellfish that the community residents paid to seed on our beach for their own use. Over the past year this has increased and it is visiting “guests” not community members guilty of the practice. Thank you for advising them to abide by community rules and regulations when they are using our beach and amenities.
Dues Must be Current in Order to Use Beach and Amenities
Based on community By-Laws and Covenants, those members with outstanding dues cannot use the beach and amenities nor allow any of their guests to use the beach and amenities until their dues are brought current. With warm weather approaching be sure your dues are not outstanding so that you can enjoy the canal to the fullest.
Inappropriate Use of Amenities/Inappropriate Conduct
Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests and are to be with guests when they utilize the beach, docks or boat launch or are to give them written permission to do so. Any guests using amenities without a member or appropriate permissions, or behaving inappropriately and/or using inappropriate language at the beach will be asked to leave.

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