Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thank You!

On behalf of the entire Board I would like to thank everyone who showed up for the work party on Saturday. Although the crew was small the accomplishments were great. A special thank you to Travis and Cambra, from the Bailey family. They were excellent help and we truly appreciate all the hard work. Thank you to Sue for her blog updates and the great pictures. Thank you to the consistent few who always show up and always work hard. Your dedication and consistency is appreciated and never taken for granted. You are great role models for this community.

As Sue mentioned in her earlier Blog, we look forward to seeing everyone on September 13th for the regularly scheduled, all day Fall Work Party and Community Meeting. The Work Party will begin at 8:30 am and the potluck will be at 4:30 pm at the beach. The more people who come, the more we can accomplish and the less we have to spend hiring outside help. It is also a great opportunity to meet your neighbors and work for the good of your community.

Work projects planned include:

  • Floor Debris Clean Up on Brooke Drive
  • Maintenance and Repair Work at Water Reservoir
  • Misc. Painting at Beach
  • Shoveling of Dirt and Bark Under Scrubs
  • Community Road Clean Up

Please let us know of any other project which need to be added to the list.

Paving at the beach is planned for Monday 8/25, providing the weather improves! The srubs will be trimmed, the beach area raked one more time and hopefully hydroseeing prior to the work party. I believe you will be amazed at what has been accomplished.

Thanks again to everyone! See you all on the 13th!

Work Party Success

The August 23 work party accomplished quite a bit on the concrete block walls, the water system, the posts that will support the gate across the boat ramp and the visibility mirror.

If you missed it, you missed a great time spent with great people. Don't miss the regular fall work party on Saturday, September 13.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Vote Passes - Special Work Party Scheduled for August 23rd!

Thank you all for your votes passing the recent motion to fund completion of the beach restoration project. We have scheduled a "Special" work party for August 23rd from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. We can use all the help we can get! Make plans now to come help with the project. Please email to let us know you will be there so we have some idea of how much help we will have and can plan accordingly.

Projects will include:

  • Laying of manorstone in front of beach house
  • Building wall on left side of ramp leading down to beach area
  • Spreading of crush rock on area near pier
  • Installation of shower
  • Laying crushed rock and drain rock in shower area and path
  • Cementing in poles to lock off circular drive
  • Adding fill dirt under Junipers
  • Finishing electrical wiring
  • Digging
  • Laying sprinkler line in planter by circular drive
  • Reinstalling traffic mirror

There are many things to do but our hope is that we will have enough people to finish all of the above projects.

We will still have our regularly scheduled Fall Work Party on September 13th.

Thanks so much for your help!! We look forward to seeing a great turnout on the 23rd.

Thanks again for your support of the project and for your recent votes!
