Friday, May 16, 2008

Minutes - Community Meeting May 3, 2008

-President Gayle Robbins called the meeting to order at 6:00

Special thanks to everyone for coming out to work today. Special thanks to new member Bill Kennedy who came from his home in Colorado to join us at the work party.
Thanks from Gayle to the community for the flowers sent to her in sympathy on the death of her mother.
Thanks to all those in the community who have come out over the past few months to clean up flood damage. Thanks was also directed to those in the community who live at Shorehills and took so much of their own time to pull together and do what could be done during the time of the flooding and afterward. It was noted that the blog site and information sent to members helped to keep everyone appraised of the situation and clean up efforts.


Minutes: It was moved, seconded and approved that the minutes from the September 8, 2007 meeting be approved as posted on the blog and passed out.

Community Financial Report: There were questions concerning the lawyer's fees on the financial report. Gayle explained that these were the fees incurred when consulting a lawyer on our options of dealing with the community members who are severely delinquent in paying fees.

Gayle also explained that the franchise agreement has been obtained with the county and this explained the $200 fee on the report.

It was moved, seconded and approved that we accept the financial report.

Water Financial Report: The Water Financial Report was presented. Gayle reported that most of the members are currently up to date on water fees. It was moved, seconded and approved that we accept the water report as presented.


ROAD REPORT: Pete Goranson
-There is a recurring hole at the entrance of Shorehills. NW Water says that the only way to really find out what the problem is for sure would involve ripping up roads and some properties. It was decided that it would be repaired again when the beach repair is done. We will continue to try to determine the source of the problem. Ron Torrez may check with the county to see if there is something they can do for us. Several people had suggestions as to possible sources of help in determining whether there is water coming down due to a leak or culvert seeping.

- There was an extended discussion on how to proceed with beach clean up. It was suggested that if we are interested in making improvements in the lawn area and boat launch areas, that this would be the time to take care of such improvements since we will have to get heavy equipment in to repair the damage from the winter flooding. Several ideas surfaced: installing a circular driveway beginning at the end of the hedge that would allow a vehicle towing a boat easier access to the launch area, leveling the grass area and put in a decorative wall on the beach side of the hedge and finally planting grass or laying sod.
**It was moved, seconded and approved that the board be authorized to spend up to $10,000 to take care of filling the sinkhole, leveling the lawn at the beach, building retaining wall, putting in a circular driveway, leveling Brook Drive and assorted projects in a timely manner. Bids will be obtained and the board will make decisions so that this project can proceed.

Northwest Water wants more involvement in the community water system. It was decided that the board needs to work more closely with them and that choosing a water commissioner once again would be a good idea.

VOTING The following people were elected to serve the community. President: Gayle Robbins, Vice President Dennis Goldsby and Water Commissioner, Pete Goranson. Elected trustees: Brooke Scheib, Judy Radnich, Grant Lau and Tom Horn.

Other decisions:
There will be no July 4 picnic due to the condition of the beach area and lack of grass. If there is grass by then, it will be too young for activity.
New doors have been installed on the bathrooms at the beach and will be labeled for male and female.

The next work day and community meeting are scheduled for September 13, 2008.

Karen Lau, Secretary

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