There will NOT be an automatic $50.00 work party credit given off of your dues; however, if you see a community maintenance project you would like to take on as an individual or as a family project during the month of May, please feel free to give me a call (360) 275-4039 to discuss the possibility of receiving a deduction in your dues for taking on the project. It would need to be preapproved and be of benefit to the entire community rather than just your own property.
For all other maintenance that needs to be done we will be hiring out to have necessary work completed. If there is something you have noticed in need of repair or replacement please let me know.
Pete and Dana will be cleaning the water tanks and reading the water meters. They will notify property owners of any concerns in excess water usages so that any potential leaks may be explored. If you have interest in assisting with the reading of the meters please contact Pete or Dana to offer you assistance. They carry the majority of the load for this task and I am sure any help would be welcomed. Thanks Pete and Dana. If it is determined you have a significant leak on your property it is essential to the wellness of our community water system that you repair it IMMEDIATELY. If it is not repaired and it is determined to be causing a negative impact, your water will be turned off and you will be charged a fee to have it turned back on once repaired. Please do not turn it back on yourself so as not to damage any water lines or meter connections. Nick, Dana or Pete are authorized to turn water back on once it has been turned off due to a leak. If the repair is not made within a reasonable period of time by the property owner, we will have Nick - Top Dog Drilling complete the repair and bill the property owner. The community maintains the water line to the meter and property owners are responsible for damage or leaks beyond the meter.
Also if you have NOT YET PAID your water bill that was due at the end of March please be sure it is paid by May 15, 2021. Water bills are sent in February and are paid to Gayle Robbins. Karen Lau sends out and collects community dues in November of each year. Each is a separate bill.
Again, if you have anything you'd like to post on the blog please let me know.