Financial Report: The majority of the community promptly paid assessments for repairs and improvements to the beach following the December 2007 flood. The loan from the water fund was repaid.
Roads Report: Discussion continued on what to do with the roads. After much discussion it was acknowledged that we actually have two major cost projects we need to deal with, roads and docks.
The community voted to direct the board to create a five-year plan to build a fund to address infrastructure needs.
Water Report: One of the tanks has had a slow leak for some time but it seems that it has not changed. Northwest Water has made some improvements to wiring and the chlorinator. In September we should work on controlling the water coming down the hill so it doesn’t wash away more soil.
Other Business:
- The bylaws revision report was postponed until September.
- The proposed community flag would have cost several hundred dollars so the project was dropped.
- The cables for the driveway to the docks were cut. Some houses down the beach were broken into. Community members asked for an e-mail report on vandalism so they can check their properties. Community members were asked to be vigilant. · Darlene will pursue the channels to remove junk cars parked on one of the properties.
- Brooke will bring a bid on the docks to the September meeting.
- The board will meet sometime in the next 30 days.
- Elections: Darlene was elected as secretary; Karen was elected as treasurer; and Bill, Dennis B. and Corrine were elected as trustees.