As Sue mentioned in her earlier Blog, we look forward to seeing everyone on September 13th for the regularly scheduled, all day Fall Work Party and Community Meeting. The Work Party will begin at 8:30 am and the potluck will be at 4:30 pm at the beach. The more people who come, the more we can accomplish and the less we have to spend hiring outside help. It is also a great opportunity to meet your neighbors and work for the good of your community.
Work projects planned include:
- Floor Debris Clean Up on Brooke Drive
- Maintenance and Repair Work at Water Reservoir
- Misc. Painting at Beach
- Shoveling of Dirt and Bark Under Scrubs
- Community Road Clean Up
Please let us know of any other project which need to be added to the list.
Paving at the beach is planned for Monday 8/25, providing the weather improves! The srubs will be trimmed, the beach area raked one more time and hopefully hydroseeing prior to the work party. I believe you will be amazed at what has been accomplished.
Thanks again to everyone! See you all on the 13th!